Character Classes
Most classes are honor bound, which affects certain quests and events, and if honor falls below a threshold, you may be demoted. You can view or improve your honor at the Church. Select an item for details.
Fighter - The Path of CombatThe rider lost himself for a moment, his thoughts harkening to the days of his youth when he had warred with his playmates in these same thick forests and grassy fields that now stretched out before him. But this time the swords were not wooden, he reminded himself grimly, and the cries of children playing would soon be replaced by the screams of dying men. He turned in his saddle to look at the armed host behind him, bearing the iron and wood of war, and wondered, not for the first time, if the cause he upheld was truly just. The moment lost, "To Battle!" he shouted, and the siege began.
+ Summon troops each Season
+ Structures house many troops
+ Troops get stronger
- Few abilities and skills
* Honor bound (medium requirements)
Barbarian - The Path of LawlessnessCloser. Closer. The thundering of our hooves competed only with the slow creaking of the massive city gates. We pushed our horses to doom and they pushed that monolith door to save themselves. My stomach sank as we hit the pit and rode up the ramp to the entrance. Then a triumphant crash as we charged through, scattering the soldiers before us, some of our number crunching violently against the gate itself. We routed them before us and reveled as the city folk fled this way and that, like chickens to a slaughter, all the while screaming my name. The proud city was mine for the taking.
+ Can attack lower level players
+ Reinforcements each battle
+ Structures house many troops
- Troops have weak defenses
* Not honor bound
Mage - The Path of MagicFor several days straight my master and I worked, I lost track of exactly how many. Outside my small observation window, I saw the sun and moon pass by, the constellations slowly drift. And still he worked, inscribing the Sacred Circle of Lune, speaking the mystical incantations I had meticulously copied as instructed. Finally, tired and bleeding from his runic scars, he whispered the name of his foe. Ribbons of blue vapor streamed about him and throughout the room. My master's task accomplished at last, he retired to his chambers while I watched thick plumes of smoke engulf a kingdom far away...
+ Bonus movement points each Season
+ Powerful ranged troops
- Few attacks
- Structures house few troops
* Honor bound (low requirements)
Cleric - The Path of RighteousnessEven the sunrise could not wash away the sorrow in my heart, as I looked outside the abbey windows. Miraculously, some of the houses in the village below were still standing. Much has been lost in the invasion. Even now the abbey's courtyard is full of frightened people, who sought refuge here when the invaders came with their hateful armies, crushing all in their path. Those who could make it to the abbey did, others were cut down as they fled. With the castle gone, the village in ruins, the people have sought the shelter of these hallowed walls. It is my sacred duty to provide for them.
+ Many abilities and skills
+ Permanently slay Vampires
+ Troops have strong defenses
- Tithe gold each Season
* Honor bound (very high requirements)
Ranger - The Path of NatureAs I looked out across my armies, I could scarcely believe my eyes. The light of the sun was blotted by a thickness of hawks and owls, all screeching. In the darkness, I could only just make out the forms of my soldiers, vainly fighting against the strangest array of beasts I had ever come across. Mighty wolves ran down my cavalry. Raging boars tore their way through my ranks. As I raised my hand to give an order, a lynx came out of nowhere and bit my arm! I knew then that I would not have my chance for vengeance. Cursing the Forest Elders under my breath I turned my army around and marched home.
+ Strongest ranged infantry
+ Seek Vampires
- Tithe food each Season
- Structures house few troops
* Honor bound (high requirements)
Vampire - The Path of DarknessI was mistaken. Greed and avarice ruled my heart in that far away time. Now it is to the bleak and lonely future I look. A future of isolation and bitter loneliness. The immortality I coveted those many years ago, now the bane of my wretched existence. Once, in the distant past I was a man. Intelligent, ambitious, cunning, I had all the qualities of nobility. Yet, I was never satisfied with my lot. I sought the easy, the quick, the daring route, never thinking of the consequences. I needed more, faster than anyone else, faster than any man, by rights, should attain.
+ Master can create minions
+ Reinforcements each battle
- Can be instantly killed by Clerics
- Weak troops (immune to buffs and debuffs)
* Not honor bound
Note: you can be killed attempting to become the master Vampire!
Class Levels and Titles
Fighter |
Barbarian |
Mage |
1 |
Knight/Knight |
Savage/Savage |
Pupil/Pupil |
2 |
Paladin/Paladin |
Grunt/Grunt |
Novice/Novice |
3 |
Champion/Champion |
Raider/Raider |
Evoker/Evoker |
4 |
Baron/Baroness |
Warrior/Warrior |
Conjurer/Conjurer |
5 |
Viscount/Viscountess |
Marauder/Marauder |
Magician/Magician |
6 |
Earl/Countess |
Mercenary/Mercenary |
Enchanter/Enchantress |
7 |
Marquis/Marquise |
IronMark/IronMark |
Warlock/Witch |
8 |
Duke/Duchess |
Conqueror/Conqueror |
Sorcerer/Sorceress |
9 |
King/Queen |
Chieftain/Chieftess |
Wizard/Wizard |
10 |
Emperor/Empress |
Destroyer/Destroyer |
Archmage/Archmage |
Cleric |
Ranger |
Vampire |
1 |
Initiate/Initiate |
Scout/Scout |
Childe/Childe |
2 |
Disciple/Disciple |
Tracker/Tracker |
Fledgling/Fledgling |
3 |
Acolyte/Acolyte |
Hunter/Hunter |
Neophyte/Neophyte |
4 |
Adept/Adept |
Strider/Strider |
Ravager/Ravager |
5 |
Priest/Priestess |
Protector/Protector |
Fiend/Fiend |
6 |
Vicar/Vicar |
Warden/Wardeness |
Incubus/Succubus |
7 |
Abbot/Abbess |
Huntmaster/Huntmaster |
Tempter/Temptress |
8 |
Patriarch/Matriarch |
Elder/Elder |
Nightmare/Nightmare |
9 |
Archbishop/Archbishop |
- |
Prince/Princess |
10 |
Cardinal/Cardinal |
- |
Archduke/Archduchess |