Cities are the center of commerce and trade. Each continent has different cities, which have different markets. Over time, cities will open and close markets (up to 10) and change prices based on demand.
Marketplace |
Exchange gold for troops, spies, or food. If a city has a food market, excess may be sold for gold. You may only purchase troops for your class.
Town Hall |
Once you reach level 9 you may purchase a city to manage. You may open or close markets, set prices, and even change the city name.
Magic Shop |
These specialty stores are located in port cities and sell magical items and spell components.
Tavern |
Hear gossip about other players or clues to the secret city. You can also try your luck gambling or view the KIA list or leaderboard.
Church |
View your honor, joust results, kings of the current Age and past Age winners.
Mystic |
Discover clues to the locations of artifacts or hero names or hear a tale about a past Age of Conquest!.
Port |
Ports allow travel to other continents and maintenance of your fleet. You may also set sail from harbors.