Your Kingdom
Kingdom |
View your kingdom, including buffs, debuffs, and upkeep, promotion requirements, and change settings.
Library |
Conduct a survey to locate other players, join an alliance, view the codex, and read your journal.
Guild |
View spy reports, conduct spying or espionage missions, and hire an agent. You may only hire one spy per kingdom.
Watch Tower |
View your fleet, kingdoms and markets, and the weather. Weather affects your armies and kingdoms.
Barracks |
View and maintain your armies. Each kingdom has a defense army for defending and a campaign army for attacking.
Military Academy |
View battle reports, change combat orders or formations, and view retaliation.
Royal Vault |
Houses artifacts, magical items, heroes, and badges obtained from your adventures.
Raid |
View your armies or the weather, attack other players or start a quest. Taking land from other players is the primary way to advance in level.
Stables |
Travel to other cities on the same continent. Each city has different markets which sell different goods.
Visit City |
Travel to other cities on the same continent. Each city has different markets which sell different goods.