Magical Spells
There are over 30 spells in Conquest!, which require magical components to cast. These components can be purchased from magic shops or by questing. Spell effects can be avoided by making a saving throw, which is based on class and level. Level 10 spells may only be cast when a Mage obtains the Staff of the Magi artifact.
Level 1
Gender toggles a player's titles.
Level 2
Change Weather randomly changes the weather.
Create Food creates 25-250 food per level.
Fireball destroys 10% of player's defense army.
True Sight allows you to see a player's kingdom and army. Works across continents.
Create Food creates 25-250 food per level.
Fireball destroys 10% of player's defense army.
True Sight allows you to see a player's kingdom and army. Works across continents.
Level 3
Chaos removes player from an alliance.
Forget removes a player's log.
Giant summons an army of giants to attack a player.
Polymorph changes the name under which you fight under during battle.
Strength grants all troops a +2/+0 bonus until next Housekeeping (HK).
Forget removes a player's log.
Giant summons an army of giants to attack a player.
Polymorph changes the name under which you fight under during battle.
Strength grants all troops a +2/+0 bonus until next Housekeeping (HK).
Level 4
Famine takes half of player's food.
Move transports a player to a random city.
Shadow Warriors summons a horde of undead to aid your next attack.
Teleport allows you to move between cities without fear of bandits. Can also enter/leave locked cities.
Move transports a player to a random city.
Shadow Warriors summons a horde of undead to aid your next attack.
Teleport allows you to move between cities without fear of bandits. Can also enter/leave locked cities.
Level 5
Enchant randomly creates 1-3 magical items.
Flame Strike destroys 20% of player's army, 5% food and peasants.
Sleep removes 50% of player's movement points (MPs).
Vanish removes players artifact.
Flame Strike destroys 20% of player's army, 5% food and peasants.
Sleep removes 50% of player's movement points (MPs).
Vanish removes players artifact.
Level 6
Charm causes player's campaign army to attack their defense army.
Dragon summons an army of dragons to attack player.
Maelstorm removes player's components and moves. Can only be used against other Mages.
Meteor Storm destroys 25% of target's army, 10% food and peasants.
Portal allows you to move between continents. Must have already established a kingdom by sailing.
Dragon summons an army of dragons to attack player.
Maelstorm removes player's components and moves. Can only be used against other Mages.
Meteor Storm destroys 25% of target's army, 10% food and peasants.
Portal allows you to move between continents. Must have already established a kingdom by sailing.
Level 7
Behemoth summons an army of monsters to attack player.
Rampage randomly destroys player's structures.
Wizard Lock opens/closes the gates of a city.
Rampage randomly destroys player's structures.
Wizard Lock opens/closes the gates of a city.
Level 8
Death destroys 30% of players defense army.
Juggernaut allows to win battle against player.
Plague causes black death to affect player's kingdom next HK.
Juggernaut allows to win battle against player.
Plague causes black death to affect player's kingdom next HK.
Level 9
Earthquake destroys 30% of player's defense army, 20% food and peasants, 10% structures.
Kracken summons a mighty sea monster to attack ships.
Wish allows a mage to create assets out of nothing.
Kracken summons a mighty sea monster to attack ships.
Wish allows a mage to create assets out of nothing.
Level 10
Alter Reality randomly changes all player's level and class. High chance to destroy caster once spell is complete.
Season allows a mage to induce HK.
Season allows a mage to induce HK.